A Rain Soaked Jaunt up San Bruno Mountain

Guest authored by Doug Silverstein

We braved the rain!Know the Land on Which You Stand. Two environmental leaders in San Mateo County spoke of this to me last month, yet I don’t think I’d heard it once before. Nor have I spent much time in my decades on the Peninsula thinking of who came before me. Long before me.

Nevertheless, the afternoon of February 27, while hiking San Bruno Mountain, a prized San Mateo County Park, seemed just the perfect time to reflect. So, during the first of ten 2019 SMC Hike-a-Palooza outings – every other Wednesday afternoon until July 3 – I shared the mountain’s history with my fellow trail mates.

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San Mateo County Parks for People and their Canine Companions

The San Mateo County Parks Department, with the help of a Dog Management Committee, is updating its policies regarding dogs in parks. Currently, the county ordinance prohibits dogs in County Parks. However, the County has acquired parklands over the years where dog use was allowed and therefore grandfathered in. Since the current ordinance was inconsistent, the Board of Supervisors recently amended the ordinance to reflect that dogs are allowed in park areas that have been specifically designated and signed.

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