Washing Away the Stay at Home Blues with a Walk in Nearby Nature

This past Tuesday, I was working from home, sitting at my table in the same place I’ve been for weeks. My head kept turning to look outside at the sunshine hitting the trees. I wasn’t feeling very productive or motivated. In fact, I was feeling drained, overwhelmed and anxious. It was Noon and I decided it was time to take my own advice and indulge in a nearby nature break. In fact, I would take it a step further and give myself an activity: I will go shoot a rainbow. Which meant I grabbed my iPhone and headed outside in search of all the colors of the rainbow in the natural world.

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PSA: Nature is Essential but Please Respect 6 ft of Distance

Doug McConnell has a message for you. Watch the video to understand the simple rules we all need to follow to keep ourselves and our community safe. Please stay in your neighborhood and seek out and enjoy nature that is all around you. Getting outside for our physical, mental and emotional well-being is essential. Please note that San Mateo County Parks will slowly reopen some trails starting May 4. Our wish is for you and yours to remain well, safe and sane during these trying times. We will get through this together. And be stronger for it.

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