Our Top Ten “Cool Things to Discover” in a San Mateo County Park

Our parks offer much in the way of fun discoveries- rare plants and butterflies, seasonal waterfalls and lots of birds; imaginative playgrounds, surprising vistas and neck-straining redwood trees. Some are nature’s gifts and others are man-made, but when one comes across something rare, unexpected or curious, it feels like a treat. There are hundreds of cool things to discover in your San Mateo County Parks. This list is the tip of the iceberg. Click here to see a list of all San Mateo County Parks that are currently open.

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Building Human & Natural Relations on Crystal Springs Trail

Guest authored by Doug Silverstein Visualize your fast-paced workout on the treadmill at the gym. Just left is your good friend Jill, and beyond her worked-over brows are two dozen grunting, bouncing millennials and gen X, Y, and Z’ers. “How you doing?” you scream, checking Jill’s speed to justify your deep chested panting. “I just got back from a <muffled> … [gasp] … <inaudible> conference!” “WHAT, a gelled hair bomber jet?” you yell over the colossal weightlifter’s rumbling clean-and-jerk. Whoa… wait a second. Time out!!!

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