Coyote Nights is back for Summer 2018!

On July 19, San Mateo County Parks Foundation is back with Coyote Nights—our summer evening social where howling at the moon is totally okay 😉 !

We return with our partners, REI Co-op and Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company, to bring you a cool way to wind down after work. REI will set up their outdoor lounge and trail mix bar. Devil’s Canyon will bring their tasty brews and San Mateo County Parks Foundation will have “trailheads” of activities and information based on the theme of the evening. All four events take place 6-8 p.m. at the Captain’s House at Coyote Point.

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Vote Yes on Prop 68: The California Clean Water and Safe Parks Act

On June 5, 2018, California voters will have a chance to consider a $4.1 billion parks and water bond, the first parks and water bond to appear on a state ballot in 12 years. San Mateo County Parks Foundation endorses Proposition 68 and urges your support of it too.

Over $1.2 billion is for parks, including:

  • $725 million in grants for parks in park-poor areas
  • $218 million for existing state parks, including $5 million for local agencies that operate a unit of the state park system (i.e. San Bruno Mountain)
  • $30 million in competitive grants for local park and open space districts to create, expand or restore parks

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