The Latest on Flood Park and Our Thoughts on the Matter

Flood Park Landscape PlanI forget all of my problems when I play soccer.” – Destiny C. age 14

There is a regional deficit of playing fields in San Mateo County and has been for many years. Multi-purpose fields that can accommodate soccer, baseball, lacrosse, football, cricket and on it goes are in high demand.

Fifteen years ago, I engaged students from Hillsdale High School on how they would re-design Bay Meadows in San Mateo. They said definitely more playing fields! Have we made much progress?

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Read on for the Results of Your Generosity

Over the last few months, the San Mateo County Parks Foundation has provided support to a variety of projects and programs in our beloved park system. This is thanks to the generosity of many. Whether one gives $5 or $25,000, it all adds up to a big impact. Thank you! You made the following list of deliverables happen and we are grateful.

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