The Latest on Flood Park and Our Thoughts on the Matter

Flood Park Landscape PlanI forget all of my problems when I play soccer.” – Destiny C. age 14

There is a regional deficit of playing fields in San Mateo County and has been for many years. Multi-purpose fields that can accommodate soccer, baseball, lacrosse, football, cricket and on it goes are in high demand.

Fifteen years ago, I engaged students from Hillsdale High School on how they would re-design Bay Meadows in San Mateo. They said definitely more playing fields! Have we made much progress?

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Youth Environmental Ed Field Trips: Connecting the Leaders of Tomorrow to our Parks Today

Is a park ever permanently protected? Will tomorrow’s leaders appreciate our parks? Will they work hard to steward them?

One thing I know for certain is that the leaders of tomorrow are children today. And one of the best investments we can make in our parks is to nurture a new generation of young people to grow up and fight for them. But first, we must make sure our youth are getting to the parks because people protect what they love, and to know the parks is to love them.

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