7 Dog Friendly Parks & Trails

In light of the damage from winter storms, visitors are encouraged to exercise caution around large trees and bluff-tops. To stay on top of all park and trail closures, visit the San Mateo County Parks advisory page.   In recent years, San Mateo County Parks has increased ways for dogs and their humans to access a variety of recreational opportunities. Here is the updated list of dog-friendly parks and trails available to you and your leashed canine companion. Please note that some of these areas represent a portion of the park. For example, at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, dogs are not allowed down by the tide pools, but can enjoy the Dardenelle Trail.

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Our Top Ten “Cool Things to Discover” in a San Mateo County Park

Our parks offer much in the way of fun discoveries- rare plants and butterflies, seasonal waterfalls and lots of birds; imaginative playgrounds, surprising vistas and neck-straining redwood trees. Some are nature’s gifts and others are man-made, but when one comes across something rare, unexpected or curious, it feels like a treat. There are hundreds of cool things to discover in your San Mateo County Parks. This list is the tip of the iceberg. Click here to see a list of all San Mateo County Parks that are currently open.

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