7 Dog Friendly Parks & Trails

In recent years, San Mateo County Parks has increased ways for dogs and their humans to access a variety of recreational opportunities. Here is the updated list of dog-friendly parks and trails available to you and your leashed canine companion. Please note that some of these areas represent a portion of the park. For example, at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, dogs are not allowed down by the tide pools, but can enjoy the Dardenelle Trail.

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Restating Our Commitment to You, Our Parks Family

The world has shifted a lot in the last year. As we embark on our second spring of the COVID-19 pandemic, please remember that the parks and trails are our shared outdoor space – they should be safe and welcoming places for all. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a sharp rise in hate crimes against people of East and Southeast Asian descent, continuing recently with the murders in Atlanta and closer to home attacks on elders in Oakland, San Francisco and Daly City. This is weighing heavily on our hearts and minds here at the Parks Foundation.

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