7 Dog Friendly Parks & Trails

In recent years, San Mateo County Parks has increased ways for dogs and their humans to access a variety of recreational opportunities. Here is the updated list of dog-friendly parks and trails available to you and your leashed canine companion. Please note that some of these areas represent a portion of the park. For example, at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, dogs are not allowed down by the tide pools, but can enjoy the Dardenelle Trail.

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San Mateo County Parks for People and their Canine Companions

The San Mateo County Parks Department, with the help of a Dog Management Committee, is updating its policies regarding dogs in parks. Currently, the county ordinance prohibits dogs in County Parks. However, the County has acquired parklands over the years where dog use was allowed and therefore grandfathered in. Since the current ordinance was inconsistent, the Board of Supervisors recently amended the ordinance to reflect that dogs are allowed in park areas that have been specifically designated and signed.

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