The San Mateo County Parks system is lucky to have volunteer groups looking after specific parks and engaging park visitors in a variety of ways. Some of these groups are 100% powered by volunteers while others have a small staff. The San Mateo County Parks Foundation provides grants to the following organziations to aid them in their efforts. We commend them for the excellent work they do.
The Friends of Edgewood has been around since 1993 and their mission is to protect Edgewood’s extraordinary biodiversity and foster lasting connections with Edgewood and the larger natural world. This all-volunteer group engages in land and wildlife stewardship, nature education, and interpretive programs. Among their many programs are the weekly Weed Warriors, docent-led wildflower hikes and the Edgewood native garden. There are many ways for you to get involved with this remarkable group.
The Friends of Huddart and Wunderlich Parks’ mission is to promote the positive health and community benefits provided by these parks and to support equitable and inclusive access for all park users. They lead hikes, provide environmental education, showcase local history, and celebrate the unique horse heritage of San Mateo County. Some volunteer opportunities include being a Carriage Room Museum docent or a Meet a Mini Horse Ambassador.
The Friends of San Pedro Valley play a significant role in supporting park rangers in their activities and in interpreting the park’s resources to the public. Volunteers staff the Visitor Center reception desk, stock the Trailside Store, keep a reference library, work on the trails and in the native plant garden, and host many informative nature talks for kids and adults alike. We invite you to check out their new Nature Journal Tree Plaques.
The Pacific Beach Coalition is dedicated to preserving the ocean, coastal habitats and wildlife, and ending litter; through advocacy, education, community building, and citizen action. They have grown from looking after just Pacifica’s beaches to now holding beach clean ups up and down the coast and in Foster City. They have created toolkits for teachers, set their sights on cigarette butt litter and organize an annual Earth Day of Action that is not to be missed. Beach clean-up site captains are needed!
San Bruno Mountain Watch’s mission is to care for San Bruno Mountain through conservation, ecological restoration, education, and advocacy in partnership with local communities. Among their many ecological restoration initiatives is the Colma Creek Collective which monitors and restores the health of the creek at its two most publicly accessible portions including the headwaters at San Bruno Mountain. They also operate Mission Blue Nursery which grows native plants exclusively from seeds and cuttings collected by permit on San Bruno Mountain.
The Trail Center formed in 1983 to provide and promote quality non-motorized trail opportunities for all people in San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and San Francisco counties. The Trail Center works with government agencies, outdoor enthusiasts, and other interested parties to create and maintain trails. They also work with organizations to maintain the Pacific Crest Trail. They are always on the lookout for volunteers.
For questions about the San Mateo County Parks Foundation’s Volunteer Group Grant Program, please email Michele Beasley at